A European Union (EU) Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A European Union (EU) Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The race of the AI is on! That is, in this author’s opinion, the most important trend in the years to come in the context of the upcoming global challenges the world is facing. We can observe a mixed approach to AI and new technologies. On the one hand we are dealing with strategic, chess ...

The Brexit of our discontent

The Brexit negotiations, which have officially started this month, are meant to last until 2019 and would presumably end in a positive manner for all the actors involved. Or so the theory goes! Unfortunately, last year’s events and public statements have hurled us into a world of unpredictability, where an often unchecked rhetoric went from ...

All roads lead to Rome: The EU at sixty

Ceterum censeo Europam esse aedificandam (Joseph Bech) On 25 March 1957, 60 years ago, two key treaties for the future of Europe were signed in Rome: the Treaties establishing the European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome) and the European Atomic Energy Community. Through the Treaty of Rome was established the European Economic Community (EEC) that ...

Moldova between East and West

Moldova between East and West
“We continue to consider the European Union as our common home believing that National boundaries are no more a limit but a gate to share our cultures and common values with other European citizens. In it with this firm belief that several of our members took part as speakers to the conference “Moldova between East ...

Guest article: “India-EU relations: What does the future hold?”

Guest article:
World peace cannot be safeguarded without the making of creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it. Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity. The aforementioned is an excerpt from the historic speech ...

Guest article: “Europe’s response to radicalisation: the need for a shared commitment”

Guest article:
On 6 September 2016, I had the opportunity to attend to quite a controversial conference-debate called  “L’Europe face à la ‘radicalisation’ : de la nécessité d’un engagement commun” (Europe’s response to radicalisation: the need for a shared commitment) organised in the Catholic University of Louvain (Brussels, Belgium) by the think tank European Muslim Network (EMN). ...

Guest article: Brexit and the European Union budget. Impact on Romania. Preliminary thoughts

Guest article: Brexit and the European Union budget. Impact on Romania. Preliminary thoughts
“I want my money back” (Lady Margaret Thatcher) Everyone in these hot summer days speak about Brexit and its impact upon the EU future. If a lot of relevant analysis have been already done on areas of outmost importance such as politics, security, migration and so on my small piece shall focus on the impact ...

The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens

The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens
On May 18th 2016 I had the pleasure to take part as a speaker to the international conference “The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens” (16 – 18 May 2016) held at SNSPA headquarters.The conference was organized by the Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies  and the ...

The Challenges of the Refugee Crisis from an European and National Perspective

On April 8th 2016 I had the opportunity to take part as a speaker to one of the most interesting debates (Provocările crizei refugiaților din perspectivă europeană și națională) organised by the European Parliament – Information Office in Romania and the prestigious NGO ProDemocratia. The debate focused on the European and Romanian perspective on the ...

Romania: Country Recommendations 2016

Romania: Country Recommendations 2016
  In February 2016, the Commission published the country report for Romania, analysing its economic and social policies. The country report include in-depth reviews examining the existence and nature of possible macroeconomic imbalances. On May 18th 2016,  based on the analysis presented in the country report and the dialogue held with Member State, the European Commission published ...