On April 8th 2016 I had the opportunity to take part as a speaker to one of the most interesting debates (Provocările crizei refugiaților din perspectivă europeană și națională) organised by the European Parliament – Information Office in Romania and the prestigious NGO ProDemocratia.
The debate focused on the European and Romanian perspective on the refugee crisis and brought together representatives of all walk of life and political spectrum from both the European and Romanian arena.
My intervention underlined the juxtaposition of several EU level crises and the need to take into consideration both the security and integration perspective as the refugees are here to stay and we need to find a way to deal with the crisis. We must have an individual based approach when dealing with the refugees while ensuring a strict observance of the legislation in force without any favoritism or prejudices. The EU is undergoing now in a value crisis as the European model seems to longer have the force to be imposed elsewhere.
For the full intervention and the video registration of the event please go here (in Romanian language only).
The study Report regarding Romanian’s Perception on the Refugee Crisis (Raport de cercetare privind percepția românilor despre criza refugiaților) here (in Romanian language only)