La mulți ani 2019! Happy New Year! Une Bonne Année!

La mulți ani 2019! Happy New Year! Une Bonne Année!
Dragi prieteni, Aș dori să vă urez un An Nou fericit! Să aveți un 2019 mai bun și plin de realizări pe toate planurile. Să fie un an al dezvoltării personale în care să putem învăța din greșelile trecutului sau ale altora pentru a nu le mai repeta și în care să acordăm mai multă ...

The Brexit of our discontent

The Brexit negotiations, which have officially started this month, are meant to last until 2019 and would presumably end in a positive manner for all the actors involved. Or so the theory goes! Unfortunately, last year’s events and public statements have hurled us into a world of unpredictability, where an often unchecked rhetoric went from ...

Guest article: Urban democracy*

Guest article: Urban democracy*
Richard Rogers: “When public space is eroded, our civic culture suffers, even our democracy.”   Nowadays political process cannot be defined only as the relations between actors seeking power. Understanding of political day-to-day realities cannot be limited to the direct analysis of relations of power only. The realm of politics is so comprehensive that it ...

Good Governance Summit – Bucharest, 4-5 May 2017

Good Governance Summit - Bucharest, 4-5 May 2017
On 4-5 May 2017 Bucharest was the host of the first edition of what promises to become a successful regional event organized by Strategikon, Romania. The event brought together former heads of states and government, journalists, and academia that provided insights on maximizing the opportunities for success and minimizing those for failure in both liberal ...

Scientific session “Romania in the European Union”, 7 April 2017

On 7 April 2017, the Romanian Academy – the Economic, Legal Sciences and Sociology Section – organized the scientific session “Romania in the European Union” in the auditorium of the Romanian Academy. The event was organised following the presentation of the study Romania and the accession to the Eurozone: the question is IN WHICH CONDITIONS!, ...

EIR Report “Romania – 10 years in the European Union”

EIR Report “Romania – 10 years in the European Union”
Ten years after Romania’s accession to the European Union, the European Institute of Romania proposes to the general audience a consistent paper concerning the main benefits of Romania’s integration in the European Community area. The current Report, with the topic “Romania – 10 years in the European Union”, is part of the EIR microstudies series ...

All roads lead to Rome: The EU at sixty

Ceterum censeo Europam esse aedificandam (Joseph Bech) On 25 March 1957, 60 years ago, two key treaties for the future of Europe were signed in Rome: the Treaties establishing the European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome) and the European Atomic Energy Community. Through the Treaty of Rome was established the European Economic Community (EEC) that ...

The Relations between Ukraine and Romania: Old and New Perceptions. Cooperation Outlooks

In the second half of 2016 I had the chance of been included in the ranks of Romanian experts’ who were interviewed by Sergiy Gerasymchuk (SSSG) in Bucharest on the topic of Ukrainian – Romanian relationship. The responses were integrated in the analysis Paper titled The Relations between Ukraine and Romania: Old and New Perceptions. ...

Conference on Promoting Good Practices in Protecting Migrant and Asylum Seeking Children, especially Unaccompanied children, and Finding Solutions for the Children, Families, Societies and States, Stockholm, 8-9 December 2016

Conference on Promoting Good Practices in Protecting Migrant and Asylum Seeking Children, especially Unaccompanied children, and Finding Solutions for the Children, Families, Societies and States, Stockholm, 8-9 December 2016
On the 8th and 9th of December 2016, I had the privilege of being one of representatives from 26 European countries that gathered in Stockholm to share lessons learned about safeguards and services for migrant and asylum seeking children, adolescents and young people, especially those who are unaccompanied. The participants represented national governments, UN Agencies, ...

Moldova between East and West

Moldova between East and West
“We continue to consider the European Union as our common home believing that National boundaries are no more a limit but a gate to share our cultures and common values with other European citizens. In it with this firm belief that several of our members took part as speakers to the conference “Moldova between East ...