The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens

The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens
On May 18th 2016 I had the pleasure to take part as a speaker to the international conference “The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens” (16 – 18 May 2016) held at SNSPA headquarters.The conference was organized by the Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies  and the ...

Guest article: “Germany moves to the right!”

Guest article:
State elections in Germany: right-wing-populist-party AfD enters three parliaments During the past weeks, Germans have often made fun of the Americans. “How can they vote for someone like Donald Trump?” German people would ask. And they cannot be blamed. The Republicans’ presidential candidate wants to forbid the entry in the United States to Muslims; he ...

Romania’s Stance in the Issue of the Refugees Crisis. Preliminary Observations. (revised edition)

Romania’s Stance in the Issue of the Refugees Crisis. Preliminary Observations. (revised edition)
The refugee crisis acted for all the Member States, and the European Union as such, as an indicator of the structural stress the European construction can endure. We have seen in the same both the worst and the best of European ideals put into practice. This crisis had also a similar effect on the Romanian ...

The Flux of Migrants – a new test for the Member States of the European Union? How is Romania responding to the new socio-political challenges?

The Flux of Migrants – a new test for the Member States of the European Union? How is Romania responding to the new socio-political challenges?
On 23 February 2016 I had the honor to take part as a panelist, at the kind invitation of the LiderJust Association, the Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs (RALEA) and Romanian US Alumni Association, to the international conference “The Flux of Migrants – a new test for the Member States of the European ...

Panelist in the international conference “Exploring Solutions to Combat Rising Political Radicalism in Europe”, January 15th 2016

Panelist in the international conference
On January 15th 2016 I had the great pleasure to be a panelist, at the kind invitation of the Romanian Association for International Relations and European Studies (ARRISE), in the international conference Exploring Solutions to Combat Rising Political Radicalism in Europe that took place in Bucharest, Romania. The event was part of the transnational project European ...