Guest article: “Europe’s response to radicalisation: the need for a shared commitment”

Guest article:
On 6 September 2016, I had the opportunity to attend to quite a controversial conference-debate called  “L’Europe face à la ‘radicalisation’ : de la nécessité d’un engagement commun” (Europe’s response to radicalisation: the need for a shared commitment) organised in the Catholic University of Louvain (Brussels, Belgium) by the think tank European Muslim Network (EMN). ...

Romania: migrants. Managing migrants and border control. How temporary is the temporary reestablishment of border controls?

With the current migration management’s crisis and the consequent debate on the Schengen acquis, the EU is facing a challenge that will demand a more comprehensive approach. With a view to shed some light on this issue and better understand the solutions ahead, the Institute of European Democrats decided to launch an external research project ...