A European Union (EU) Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A European Union (EU) Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The race of the AI is on! That is, in this author’s opinion, the most important trend in the years to come in the context of the upcoming global challenges the world is facing. We can observe a mixed approach to AI and new technologies. On the one hand we are dealing with strategic, chess ...

EPIN Project: Towards Citizens’ Union (2CU) Project Meeting on Direct Democracy , 14 – 15 June 2018, Athens

The European Institute of Romania (EIR) is involved within the framework of a consortium coordinated by CEPS Brussels in the project called Towards a Citizens’ Union (2CU) which takes place in a three year period (September 2017 – August 2020), bringing together a total of 20 think-tanks of 18 European countries. A series of research ...

Workshop: The impact of Romania’s accession to the European Union on the Romanian economy

Within the conference Recent Advances in Economic and Social Research (10 – 11 May 2018), organised by the Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy, took place the workshop called “The impact of Romania’s accession to the European Union on the Romanian economy. Sectorial analysis (industry, agriculture, services, etc.)” in Luxembourg Hall, Academy House. The event ...

Happy New Year 2018!

Happy New Year 2018!
Wish you and your family a joyful, bright, healthy, prosperous and happiest new year ahead! Happy New Year! Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. – Albert Einstein We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its ...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
For your Christmas time I wish you many blessings, much happiness, and even more love. I am grateful for you and your thoughtfulness. Merry Christmas!  

Why the Black Sea matters? The European interests at stake in the Black Sea / Au cœur des enjeux de la mer Noire

Why the Black Sea matters? The European interests at stake in the Black Sea / Au cœur des enjeux de la mer Noire
Why the Black Sea matters? The European interests at stake in the Black Sea The Black Sea has a millennial background of being a cultures melting pot, a conflict area between numerous civilizations and a hub for regional commerce that affected the entire area, not just the riparian states. Up until 2000 the Black Sea ...

Guest article: Church building and politics in today Russia

Guest article: Church building and politics in today Russia
The question of public space in Russia has always been a major issue in national political discourse. In Soviet Union all the space was considered as public but its use was limited with ruling party’s restrictions. The normative understanding of public turned out to be ‘private’ in terms of communist ideology. Today in Russia civil ...

Guest article: Three Key Factors That Could Be Shaken Up By The Impact of Brexit On Logistics*

Amidst the backdrop of negotiations aiming to decide the future of the EU’s relationship with Britain moving forwards, many businesses on both sides of the divide are felling sombre about what is to come. Even in the best case scenario for commerce to continue to flow both ways, the comfortable and familiar trading environment is ...

The Perspectives of Romania’s Accession to the Eurozone in the context of the White Paper on the Future of Europe

The Perspectives of Romania’s Accession to the Eurozone in the context of the White Paper on the Future of Europe
*The following article presents a debate that took place on the topic of Romania’s Accession to the Eurozone and is a repostof an article that was initially published in the EIR Newsletter no. 86, July 2017 with the full link presented below. The European Affairs Committees from the Romanian Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, ...

The Brexit of our discontent

The Brexit negotiations, which have officially started this month, are meant to last until 2019 and would presumably end in a positive manner for all the actors involved. Or so the theory goes! Unfortunately, last year’s events and public statements have hurled us into a world of unpredictability, where an often unchecked rhetoric went from ...