Within the conference Recent Advances in Economic and Social Research (10 – 11 May 2018), organised by the Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy, took place the workshop called “The impact of Romania’s accession to the European Union on the Romanian economy. Sectorial analysis (industry, agriculture, services, etc.)” in Luxembourg Hall, Academy House. The event is a part of the dissemination process of the Study 1 with the same title within the project of Strategy and Policy Studies – SPOS 2017, and brought together representatives of the academia, the central public administration, students and PhD candidates.
During the workshop, Mr. Lucian-Liviu Albu, senior researcher (SR. I), professor and General Director of the Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy coordinator of the research team and Ms. Oana-Cristina Popovici, a senior researcher within the same Institute, co-author of the above-mentioned study have reviewed the main elements of the paper.
It was clear that we are dealing with a process of convergence towards the EU average development level, which would have been more difficult to accomplish in the absence of the pace imposed by the EU reforms and by the joined efforts of the Member States.
On the short term, the adoption and compliance with the reforms, measures and policies promoted by the Union filled a gap in the development process of Romania and set a direction. On medium term, GDP per capita adjusted to purchasing power parity has increased by 20 percentage points over the past ten years. The integration is a long- term process and needs to be analysed accordingly.
The pursuing of the European project is necessary for Romania in the current context. An essential contribution to raising living standards and boosting economic development in rural areas was given by common policies – the Common Agricultural Policy and Cohesion Policy. The two policies are essential instruments for the recovery of the economic development gaps between Romania and the EU and for increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian economy. This emphasizes the need to maintain them at European level and, from the point of view of Romania it translates into the need to intensify the efforts to capitalize on their results.
Romania must become more active in shaping the European agenda, besides accepting the benefits of its Member State status. Ten years after joining the EU, the economic results
show that Romania is going in the right direction but, looking at the progress made by the other Member States, we find that we do not have the right speed yet. Romania’s efforts must focus on developing transport infrastructure, investing in research and development and digitization.
Within the same workshop, as an administrative coordinator of the study I have presented the SPOS project specificities and the importance of the study within the framework of Romania’s Presidency of the EU Council in 2019.
The study is available on EIR website, Publications section. Additional information about the workshop is also available on EIR website, Events section.
This article was first published in the EIR Newsletter, no. 91 – May 2018