Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Editorial release: Views on the Future of Europe from the EU’s Neighbouring Countries

Editorial release: Views on the Future of Europe from the EU’s Neighbouring Countries
I am glad to present to you the Working Paper “Views on the Future of Europe from the EU’s Neighbouring Countries”, initiated by the European Institute of Romania, was designed as a mean to bring together experts from the EU’s neighbouring countries discussing the future of European Union and of bilateral relations, while providing a ...

Happy birthday Romania! Happy birthday Europe!

Happy birthday Romania! Happy birthday Europe!
Romania marks this Sunday two important events in its history. 9th May is the State Independence Day. In 1877, foreign minister Mihail Kogălniceanu proclaimed in Parliament the independence of the Romanian state from the Ottoman Empire. Romanian troops returning to Bucharest after the war, 8 October 1878. 9th May is Europe Day, which marks the ...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
This Christmas, I wish you to find peace and prosperity in every sphere of your life. Merry Christmas! “10 Et dixit illis angelus: “ Nolite timere; ecce enim evangelizo vobis gaudium magnum, quod erit omni populo,11 quia natus est vobis hodie Salvator, qui est Christus Dominus, in civitate David.” (EVANGELIUM SECUNDUM LUCAM, 2:10-11) Mural – ...

Happy birthday Europe! Happy birthday Romania!

Happy birthday Europe! Happy birthday Romania!
If we want to truly understand what Europe means we need to go back in time in the post-war Europe, a place haunted by economic and social crisis under the threat of a new world war and a place of confrontation of various political ideologies. In was on that background that on 9 May 1950 ...

Romanian Parliament: Conference on Common Foreign and Security Policy

On 7-8 March 2019 took place in Bucharest the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP / CSDP). Its goal was to provide a platform for the exchange of information and good practice between national parliamentary committees of the Member States that work in the field ...

Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union – #RO2019EU

Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union - #RO2019EU
Between 1st  of January and 30 June 2019, Romania will exercise its first mandate at the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union against a background of a European agenda marked by political developments and dossiers with a decisive impact on the future of the Union. The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the ...

La mulți ani 2019! Happy New Year! Une Bonne Année!

La mulți ani 2019! Happy New Year! Une Bonne Année!
Dragi prieteni, Aș dori să vă urez un An Nou fericit! Să aveți un 2019 mai bun și plin de realizări pe toate planurile. Să fie un an al dezvoltării personale în care să putem învăța din greșelile trecutului sau ale altora pentru a nu le mai repeta și în care să acordăm mai multă ...

Book Launch in Copenhagen: “Direct Democracy in the European Union – The Myth of a Citizens’ Union”

Book Launch in Copenhagen: “Direct Democracy in the European Union – The Myth of a Citizens’ Union”
The national research teams which are partners in the project “Towards a Citizens’ Union”, the European Institute of Romania included, met in Copenhagen during 15 – 16 November 2018. The project covers a whole series of research papers presenting the national perspectives on the following topics: direct democracy, representative democracy and democratic accountability. Further to ...

Book presentation: “Current Challenges in the Field of Cybersecurity – The Impact and Romania’s Contribution to the Field” ― Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union, Brussels, 7 November 2018

Book presentation:
Security incidents may undermine our economies, societies, freedom and prosperity, the consumers confidence and the viability of the digital services and ICT networks. A common European effort is needed for strengthening the cybersecurity and the cyber resilience, simultaneously with enhancing the awareness and protection of our citizens, companies and governments. A prosperous, innovative and competitive ...