Guest article: The emergence of Euroscepticism in France. How the Front National challenged the political status-quo.

Guest article: The emergence of Euroscepticism in France. How the Front National challenged the political status-quo.
A few months before the presidential election in France, Euroscepticism is in all debates. Here are some elements of understanding of this phenomenon. From 1951 to 1992: No real presence of euroscepticism in France In 1951 France with Belgium, West Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Luxembourg have founded the European Coal and Steel Community. In 1957 ...

Guest article: “Germany moves to the right!”

Guest article:
State elections in Germany: right-wing-populist-party AfD enters three parliaments During the past weeks, Germans have often made fun of the Americans. “How can they vote for someone like Donald Trump?” German people would ask. And they cannot be blamed. The Republicans’ presidential candidate wants to forbid the entry in the United States to Muslims; he ...