“The International Reflection Seminar From the Eurozone to a “Euro-Union”, Luxemburg, 26 – 27 June 2015” in EIR Newsletter, year VII, no. 74 – July 2015
“Lobbying in Romania v. Lobbying in the EU” in EIR Newsletter, year VII, no. 73 – May 2015
Aurelia Ioana Brînaru and Mihai Sebe, ”Ethical Issues Concerning Structural Funds. Preliminary Reflections” in EIR Newsletter, year VI, no. 69 – September 2014
H.E. Mr. Ján Gábor, interview by Mihai Sebe, “I would not agree that euro as a project is a controversial issue. It is a commitment of every member of the Union to adopt euro of course after meeting concrete criteria. […] By adopting euro we lost a considerable deal of our sovereignty, but at the same time we became member of a good club.” in EIR Newsletter, year VI, no. 66 – June 2014
Rainer Münz, interview by Mihai Sebe, “In the medium and long term Europe faces a serious shortage of labour and skills.” in EIR Newsletter, year VI, no. 63 – March 2014
“Economic and Trade Forum China – Central and Eastern Europe (Bucharest, 26 November 2013)” in EIR Newsletter, year V, no. 60 – December 2013
“What social policies in Europe?” in EIR Newsletter, year V, no. 59 – November 2013
Dan Luca, interview by Oana Mocanu and Mihai Sebe, “EU needs to develop a communication strategy able to bring it closer to the citizens’ daily life” in EIR Newsletter, year V, no. 57 – September 2013
“The New EU Diplomat: Beyond Democracy Defending Bucharest, Romania Training Session (May 16 – 18, 2013)” in EIR Newsletter, year V, no. 54 – June 2013
“GLOBSEC 2013, 18-20 April, Bratislava, Slovakia” in EIR Newsletter, year V, no. 53 – May 2013
Gigi Mihăiță and Mihai Sebe “Training Programs 2012” in EIR Newsletter, year V, no. 49 – January 2013
“EIR Conference – Launch of the Brochures of the “European Union Policies Guide” Series, December 6, 2012” in EIR Newsletter, year IV, no. 48 – December 2012
“The Black Sea NGO Forum, 24-25 October 2012, Bucharest” in EIR Newsletter, year IV, no. 46 – October 2012
“Traineeships at the European Institute of Romania in the Framework of the Project POSDRU/90/2.1/S/62955 Facilitating transition from school to active life for students in the field of economy-international affairs” in EIR Newsletter, year IV, no. 43 – 44 – July – August 2012
Amandine Crespy, interview by Mihai Sebe, „My argument is that it is not primarily a monetary and economic crisis but rather a political crisis of Europe” in EIR Newsletter, year IV, no. 41 – May 2012
“How pro-European Romanians still are?” in EIR Newsletter, year IV, no. 41 – May 2012
“Vox populi, vox Dei! European Citizens’ Initiative – between uncertain democratisation and potential dangers” in EIR Newsletter, year IV, no. 38 – February 2012
“The Economic Crisis: The Political Roots of the Euro Currency Crisis” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 36 – December 2011
“The future of cohesion policy in the European Union – Between convergence and competitiveness” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 36 – December 2011
Vivien Pertusot, interview by Mihai Sebe, “The European Neighbourhood Policy review has tried to tailor a new approach putting democracy support at the top of the agenda…” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 35 – November 2011
Mihai Sebe and Diana Popa, “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the Agenda of the European Institution” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 35 – November 2011
“The Next EU Multiannual Financial Framework: How to stimulate growth and reduce development disparities among the EU regions?” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 33 – September 2011
“New activities within the POSDRU/90/2.1/S/62955 project: Enabling an easy transition from school to work for the students in Economy-International Affairs” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 31 – 32 – July – August 2011
“The European Commission launches the Green Paper on professional qualifications” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 31 – 32 – July – August 2011
H. E. Henri Paul, interview by Mihai Sebe, “The Romanian francophony and francophily really exist in our multicultural world. This gives strength to our relation allowing us to overcome the difficulties” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 30 – June 2011
“European Parliament. June 2011 Plenary Session” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 30 – June 2011
“9 May – Europe Day” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 28 – April 2011
Philippe Herzog, interview by Mihai Sebe, “Solidarity is necessary but it has to be subjected to competitiveness efforts” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 27 – March 2011
“Launch of the Strategy and Policy Studies – SPOS 2010” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 27 – March 2011
Răzvan Theodorescu, interview by Mihai Sebe, ”Balkan and Byzantine traditions define us in two ways: together with Greece and Bulgaria we are an Orthodox component of the European Union, bringing new spiritual values to the continental structure” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 26 – February 2011
Mihai Sebe and Anca Mihalache, “EIR launches a new project ― European Union Policy Guide” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 26 – February 2011
“Historical studies concerning the European construction: perspectives over Romania between the two World Wars” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 26 – February 2011
“A new series of strategy and policy studies under the auspices of EIR” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 25 – January 2011
Mihai Sebe and Alexandra Ivanov, EIR Policy Memo “Perspectives on a Potential Deepened Political Cooperation between Poland, Romania and Hungary” in EIR Newsletter, year III, no. 25 – January 2011
“Conclusions of the Winter European Council (16 – 17 December 2010)” in EIR Newsletter, year II, no. 24 – December 2010
“The European Union’s Strategy for the Danube Region” in EIR Newsletter, year II, no. 24 – December 2010
“European Commission Work Programme for 2011” in EIR Newsletter, year II, no. 23 – November 2010
“The EIR round table on The economic crisis and EU finances: foreseeable evolutions at EconomicFest” in EIR Newsletter, year II, no. 22 – October 2010
“The effects of the economic and financial crisis. Efficiency and solidarity” in EIR Newsletter, year II, no. 18 – June 2010
“Europe 2020” in EIR Newsletter, year II, no. 17 – May 2010
Dinga, Emil, Interview by Mihai Sebe, “Europe 2020 Strategy should be fundamentally considered an intellectual project” in EIR Newsletter, year II, no. 17 – May 2010
Vasile, Valentina, Interview by Mihai Sebe, “The investment in education is sustainable, yet it generates mainly propagation effects on medium and long – term” in EIR Newsletter, year II, no. 15 – March 2010
“Romanian Journal of European Affairs” in EIR Newsletter, year I, no. 12 – December 2009
“European Union and Russia: the way towards partnership” in EIR Newsletter, year I, no. 10 – October 2009
“Regulating the Internet and the digital networks in the European Union” in EIR Newsletter, year I, no. 9 – September 2009
“RJEA, vol. 9, no. 3” in EIR Newsletter, year I, no. 8 – August 2009
“EIR: Contributions to substantiating the Romanian policies. A new series of studies: SPOS 2008” in EIR Newsletter, year I, no. 3 – March 2009