2016: Political priorities in Romania, Policy priorities in Moldova (I)

2016: Political priorities in Romania, Policy priorities in Moldova (I)
On February 9th I had the intellectual privilege to take part to the launch of the Expert Forum (EFOR) ANNUAL REPORT 2016: Political priorities in Romania, Policy priorities in Moldova. It had a timely appearance given the domestic political context in both of our countries. Subsequently I shall briefly present the main ideas of the report, a ...

Happy spring!

Happy spring!

The Flux of Migrants – a new test for the Member States of the European Union? How is Romania responding to the new socio-political challenges?

The Flux of Migrants – a new test for the Member States of the European Union? How is Romania responding to the new socio-political challenges?
On 23 February 2016 I had the honor to take part as a panelist, at the kind invitation of the LiderJust Association, the Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs (RALEA) and Romanian US Alumni Association, to the international conference “The Flux of Migrants – a new test for the Member States of the European ...

Public Affairs Summit 2016. On Lobbying in Romania and beyond. New challenges

Public Affairs Summit 2016. On Lobbying in Romania and beyond. New challenges
On February 2nd I had the opportunity to take part to the Public Affairs Summit 2016, the first event of this type organized in Romania by the Romanian Lobbying Registry Association. It was an event that gathered all the key actors of the lobbying industry, alongside public officials and civil society representatives as well as ...

Guest article “Researches regarding the Community Implications concerning the Romanian Agriculture in the Context of European Economic Integration. Preliminary Observations”

Guest article “Researches regarding the Community Implications concerning the Romanian Agriculture in the Context of European Economic Integration. Preliminary Observations”
The theme of the financial support mechanisms for the Romanian agriculture, in its capacity as a Member State since 2007, is very important in the effort our country to become competitive on the European agricultural market. The particularities of the Romanian agriculture are almost the same as in the pre-accession (divided agricultural structures, low technical ...