Romania: migrants. Managing migrants and border control. How temporary is the temporary reestablishment of border controls?

With the current migration management’s crisis and the consequent debate on the Schengen acquis, the EU is facing a challenge that will demand a more comprehensive approach. With a view to shed some light on this issue and better understand the solutions ahead, the Institute of European Democrats decided to launch an external research project ...

Guest article: Brexit and the European Union budget. Impact on Romania. Preliminary thoughts

Guest article: Brexit and the European Union budget. Impact on Romania. Preliminary thoughts
“I want my money back” (Lady Margaret Thatcher) Everyone in these hot summer days speak about Brexit and its impact upon the EU future. If a lot of relevant analysis have been already done on areas of outmost importance such as politics, security, migration and so on my small piece shall focus on the impact ...

Migrate another day. Brexit and the migration process.

Migrate another day. Brexit and the migration process.
    The Brexit referendum has proven once more that emotions do have their role in politics and thus the force of populist messages such as “Take back control of our borders” appeal to human nature. If the economic fallout was almost instant and the political ramifications have been equally fast-moving, what will take far ...

A regional perspective on Black Sea Flotilla. Sound premises or is just building castles in Spain?

A regional perspective on Black Sea Flotilla. Sound premises or is just building castles in Spain?
Starting premises In accordance with the Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits (1936) that gives Turkey control over the Bosporus Straits and the Dardanelles and regulates the transit of naval warships. Non-Black Sea state warships in the Straits must be under 15,000 tons. No more than nine non-Black Sea state warships, with a total aggregate tonnage of no more than 30,000 ...

European Movement International Federal Assembly 2016

On Friday, 27 May 2016 I had the privilege to take part to the European Movement International’s Federal Assembly, within the framework of the European Democratic Party delegation, lead by the EDP Treasurer Jean Marie Beaupuy. The event had an ambitious agenda, packed full of important policy positions to be debated and agreed upon among ...

Guest article: “Democracy: the cornerstone of a free society”

Guest article:
Nowadays, who is not democrat? Raise your hand. You may ask: What is it today to declare yourself to be a democrat when everyone is a democrat? We, Young Democrats for Europe, put democracy at the core of our engagement. Democracy is not, and shouldn’t be, a punctual event in our citizenship. Democracy isn’t a ...

The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens

The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens
On May 18th 2016 I had the pleasure to take part as a speaker to the international conference “The implications of EU policies for the integration of Immigrants and mobile citizens” (16 – 18 May 2016) held at SNSPA headquarters.The conference was organized by the Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies  and the ...

Happy Easter! Paşte Fericit! Prospera Pascha sit!

Happy Easter! Paşte Fericit! Prospera Pascha sit!
1 Sero autem post sabbatum, cum illucesceret in primam sabbati, venit Maria Magdalene et altera Maria videre sepulcrum. 2 Et ecce terrae motus factus est magnus: angelus enim Domini descendit de caelo et accedens revolvit lapidem et sedebat super eum. 3 Erat autem aspectus eius sicut fulgur, et vestimentum eius candidum sicut nix. 4 Prae ...

Country Report Romania 2016 (I)

Country Report Romania 2016 (I)
On 9 March 2016 I had the chance to take part to the conference dedicated to the Country Report Romania 2016 issued by the European Commission. It is an objective report although not a positive one. This report assesses Romania’s economy in the light of the European Commission’s 2016 Annual Growth Survey published on 26 ...

Happy Women’s Day!

Happy Women's Day!